If you want business in the Network do not distract on nonsense!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
«How to earn money online?» - Ask yourself this question, many Internet users, and you, I think, too, just read this article. 
Now a lot of money on promoting the sponsors, so I can tell you only one - «no skin dressing»! 
If your goal to make the Internet is not some meager $ 10-20 a month, if your goal to open its automated online business, if your goal to have in the future passive income from your online business, it does not look ХАЛЯВЫ. In order to create a serious business online, which in the future will yield good dividends, it is necessary in the beginning, at the time of the creation and development of business, take the good. 
I will not deceive you and say that to create and develop online business very easily. No, of course, not easy, it will require a big impact on your time and energy. 

To understand why it is not worth the time spent on questionable earnings and work on sponsorship, and come to grips with building a serious business, I tell you one very cognitive parable from the book Robert Kiyosaki: 

«In one village there was no water. And now the village council decided to choose two volunteers, in order to provide the village with water. One of the volunteer's name was John, a second Bill. 
So, the next day, John got up early in the morning took the drums and went to fetch water to the nearest lake. And so it went all day, bringing water to the villagers. And the next day and the next John was water. He immediately began to make a profit and was satisfied with his business. 

The second guy, Bill, left the village, and it was not six months. John was very happy, because he had no competitor, and he could collect all the profits, which only he could. 

After six months, Bill has returned to the village, over the six months he has developed a system poddachi water to the consumer. Returning to the village, Bill built a water pipe, which brought clean water directly to residents of the house 24 hours a day, every day, seven days a week. The use of water supplies allowing Bill to earn income without working. He could rest quietly, go about their favorite business, but his business has worked on him, bringing him to a permanent profit. » 

Pick and choose who you want to be: John and whole days a week to wear a bucket of water or the Bill and have their own pipeline?

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