Almost every web user will sooner or later comes to think about that: prosazhivat have enough money on the Internet, it's time to find a way to retrieve them from there!
But before the man comes a whole heap of questions which he vainly tries to find it. How to earn on the Net? What they make money? Why pay at all? How much can you earn? Where to learn this?
I think the list of issues to continue to not be ...
Directly from this point and begins «headache» of our brother. In search of the necessary information is spent enormous amount of time and money. Pereryvayutsya mountains of the various kinds of information, sometimes even contradictory. Reread dozens of books, reports and courses on e-business, tapped a lot of lectures and seminars, view videos, etc. etc.
As a result of acquired knowledge, brains boil! At the head of a solid porridge, and no more. We want to give up everything and to forget about the possibility of earning on the Net, despite the nerves and spent money. Familiar picture? - I think for most of us. But throwing his zateyu halfway, at least, stupid. And if something you take, so it is necessary to bring the case to the end. It will never come to a goal, turn over 5 meters before the finish. In this situation, when you begin to understand and little by little to understand what makes money on the Web, among many crumble on the head of the proposals and options business, the main thing is not confusing. And choose the activities that the other more suitable for you.
If you provide a list on what people earn in the Internet, he was quite impressive. Because the vast subject and draws on a e-course. In the framework of this article, I would like to give you just one of many options for activities reference online business.
But once a reservation, you can start this business from scratch, do not invest a penny! You can build it, even without your own product to sell. This point is very important, because many users either do not have the necessary amount of money to start their own business, or simply afraid to take risks and invest where either.
So, on what are we talking about?
This is a real physical trade in goods on a Drop Shipping, which is translated from Eng. mean "direct delivery". This scheme has been in existence for over 100 years, and now she, along with the start of sales of goods by mail. It successfully operates and develops in the western part of the Network. At the moment it is Drop Shipping is the most promising area of e-commerce. Despite this, in RuNet he developed very bad.
These include:
- No costs for the purchase of goods for further resale;
- The absence of problems related to storage, packing, processing and shipment of goods to your clients. All this will do for you Drop-Ship Company;
- To sell your goods are sent from "your name" - with your contact information and logo;
- Ability to work simultaneously with several companies for a greater range of proposed products;
- Ability to purchase goods for himself, buying them directly, without intermediaries, while saving a bunch of tools. Using Drop Shipping, millions of people can sell various products on the Internet, not having them available and to make decent money on this. After all, Drop-Ship Company - a company that offers all those wishing to resell our products on your behalf.
Ie You place the goods on sale is on a client when the client transfers the money to you, you transfer them (except their own nakrutki) Drop-Ship Company. That in turn will send the goods to your buyer, and does so on your behalf. With this method of work, your clients will never guess that the product was purchased through an intermediary. As a result, you can sell on the Internet virtually all goods, not even having them in stock!
All that is necessary is to place information about selling your products and process orders received. It is best suited for this purpose its own auctions and online store.
True, not everything is as sweet as it seems. In the Drop Shipping, as in any business, has its drawbacks. They are as follows: You do not control the supply of goods in the warehouse and did not follow the process of registration and send your order. But if you serious and reliable company that can bring these problems to almost zero.
To cite a few categories from which you can choose the items for sale:
Clothing, jewelry, audio-video equipment, computers, office equipment, cellular phones and accessories, products for children, products for sports and leisure, furniture, interior, food additives, etc. And advantages enjoyed by many businesses, because in the United States the number of intermediaries between the producer and the buyer is much less than we have, there is also little or no customs duties. And the prices of goods from China, even to say no, and they are every year becoming more and more high quality.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Drop-Ship companies send their products to Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Moreover, until recently, was not possible, as the mutual use of the payment system PayPal - the primary system is the most popular in the west. Although now we can pay via PayPal, but take it the payment is still not. This circumstance, as well as ignorance of the language and all the subtleties of trade, until recently, stopped most of the Russian-speaking users, and is a significant obstacle to business development in the Russian Internet on a Drop Shipping.
There were only sites like this one: http://webdohod.info/links/YourDropShipGuide.html, where it was possible to find only the coordinates of these companies. And use this information only for the purchase of goods at low prices, no more.
What can I say about it? Its creation took more than 5 years and the amount exceeds $ 6000.
And you can quickly find buyers to pay for the goods and issue an order to work as a retail and wholesale with the parties, by sending the goods to anywhere in the world. You will be able to deliver the goods to your customers without any customs duties entirely legitimate means, thus, avoid additional customs fees.
Plus, the whole will be able to get its own modern Internet shop with a third-level domain, and does not pay for its hosting and registration. Also learn how to effectively find your buyers on bulletin boards, forums and databases are not investing a dime in advertising. And if you wish, you can easily put the search for buyers for a full autopilot, using your business system known as Direct-Yandex, Begun and Google Adwords. If you are interested in my views about Drop Shipping, then personally I think its really good line of business on the web. No wonder it is so long and successfully, there is in the west? And, as you know, Runet always behind sytyh Bourgeois, and all that they have successfully applied for many years, we are only beginning to come. Therefore, can be replicated, and this experience? Now you have little idea what is Drop Shipping, and what opportunities it offers to each one of us. Can not miss your chance, and, finally, to start their own profitable business on the Net?
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