As is known, website is a set of pages of text, graphics and other information published on the Internet. But what is the website of your company depends entirely on the goals that you want to achieve with it. Properly designed sites are able to solve a variety of tasks. The website can be used as a system for sales as a marketing channel as a branding tool for companies, as a space to display new products on the market, as the CRM center or information center, as well as for many other purposes.
Certain types of corporate sites
Information sites
The majority of sites submitted to date on the Internet, fall into this category. The simplest of them reflect the basic information about the company, that is, represent a corporate business card on the Internet.
Sites to promote the name of the company
The main idea of the corporate site is to provide information about the company. Typically, these sites prefer holding companies. Sites of this type typically include such basic information blocks of the company as a story of creation, news, company logo, a certificate of the principal leaders, frequently asked questions and other graphics provided on these sites is used only for highlighting text. For the same purpose may be used by video and flash presentations.
Sites for the promotion of products or services
For example, some pharmaceutical company to promote new drugs to market can create a site devoted to this production. The sole purpose of creating a site of this type - this is a new product or service recognizable.
Sites for raising brand
The industrial company, distributes its products through distributors, may establish a web site for branding and for distributors required information on the products. These sites complement other activities carried out by the company to stimulate sales.
E-commerce sites
Through e-commerce sites sell via the Internet at the professional level. The main characteristics of e-commerce sites are:
1. Detailed information of products and services, accompanied by illustrations, and sometimes multimidiynymi presentations, drawings, diagrams, etc.
2. Cart, which is necessary for the buyer could choose from the list of goods for the purchase
3. A payment gateway is required to ensure that the buyer was able to pay for products or services
Corporate portals
Typically, a portal called the corporate web site, offering a wide range of services and resources such as e-mail, forums, topical news and articles, zone for registered users, etc. Portals are intended to provide information and interaction with clients.
B2B portals
B2B portal is a platform on the Internet where buyers and sellers to communicate, collaborate and make business transactions. The main objective of B2B portal - to provide a user portal with functionality for effective management of business processes via the Internet. Private B2B portal may include a CRM center, commercial space, commercial and procurement supply chain and other units to control various kinds of business processes.
Planning a Web Site
Prior to the creation of the site should draw up a plan that takes into account your objectives, target audience and resources. The plan can be presented in the form of a script or a flowchart, which should reflect the process of interaction of all the necessary components of your site. When you are a clear picture of the future of the site, explain your idea to developers and make a technical task. All this is absolutely necessary, because very often entrepreneurial vision of the Internet project radically different from the vision of the same project, a programmer in the future between them may have difficulty understanding.
If you already have a web site that you want to redo, or you just working on technical specification, please note the following important aspects of effective web site:
Page load time
In pursuit of colorful site frequently used images that otyazhelyayut page, that is, increasing the time of loading. Page, an opening in one second at T1 speed, it will take the whole 55 seconds to download if you are using 28.8 modem. But the bulk of visitors will not wait until the Download site and go to another! Therefore, be sure that you optimize each page of your site before launching it! Otherwise a very good chance that you miss a lot of visitors.
• Look through the eyes of visitors to each page of your site. Remove all pictures, which is not necessary for the transfer of primary information.
• Optimize become illustrations available means
• Flash image attractive, but do not use them only to attract attention. Use them wisely, use them if it is really needed.
• Choose a provider that would provide sufficient information rate through the channel.
Links to the site should be easily defined, easily visible. If the site contains many pages, be sure to add a sitemap. Remember that not all visitors come to the site via the main page, therefore, to ensure that they can continue to browse your site, make them easy to navigate. Try to offer visitors attractive links and this will cause them to stay on your site. And also make sure that all links are working correctly and show the right path.
Harmony pages
All pages must be in the same style. Thus the site will look professional and the visitor, exploring your site will always know that he is still at it.
His Majesty content
If you want visitors to return to the site again and again, regularly add new, high quality and thematic content. Internet users crave information, provide them with current information regularly and your site will have many regular visitors.
So, if your site quickly loaded the page, visitors are guided through easy navigation, sound, design of pages made in the same attractive style, and regularly appears interesting new information, if implemented, these four main conditions of effectiveness of a website, then increase the popularity of the site and the number of regular visitors guaranteed to you.
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