Did you have it? You want to solve any problem and its the first thing you have in mind arises in this case - is to buy a specific product that will help you solve this problem. Of course, all this was.
That is why the name of the product so settled in your head. It has already yutilos in the depths of your mind, sitting in your memories, to see just when you need to solve the problem with it. How do you remember? Most likely, you saw it in a constantly recurring advertising. Manufacturer (advertiser) specifically focuses your attention on the connection between the product and the solution of a problem. Some businesses spend thousands (if not millions) of dollars on advertising their product, that it be recognized and remembered it. They used repeated advertisements that you see on TV, hear on the radio, see on the Internet, etc. Fortunately you do not need to spend this money to achieve not less than the results. There is a very simple but very effective solution for this. You just give people a certain installation, connecting the main feature of your product with zasevshimi already in the minds of people familiar things with which they deal every day. This may be eating, sleep, morning awakening, watching TV, etc.
For example, you can say in his ad declaring:
Each morning you will receive the feeling that you just have to turn on the computer and order (the name of your product). Every time you have breakfast, you will represent yourself, what a great life you have come, when you invest your money in (name your product). And in conclusion. You connect your product with the actions which people come to near automaticity as a result of years of repetition. Actions that they are constantly repeated throughout his life.
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