Due to the rapid development of information technology, increasing the role of the Internet and automation industries use electronic commerce for businesses has become important not only to preserve but also to expand market share.
According to the National Association of participants of electronic commerce, in 2008 U.S. market size of e-commerce amounted to $ 10.2 Billion: one for the B2B segment had $ 985 million. Also, a study by the Brunswick Warburg, showed that annual growth in the U.S. market of electronic commerce (EC) is 245% and 98% of the largest enterprises in the U.S. have Internet access.
Thus we see that the Internet is not only relevant, but simply neobodimo for companies in segodnegnih conditions. Here are the most important reasons for using the Internet for business development.
1 New Economic System
The development of the Internet has created a new kind of economy, the growth rate which is so enormous that it has managed to change the very concept of a traditional business. Today's economy is a system that uses modern technology, and it is based on companies that are actively moved their business to the Internet. Corporations such as Amazon.com and Ebay.com successfully dominate in areas where only a few years ago was dominated by companies with a traditional type business. In order for a business in Inetrnet was successful, not necessarily be a large company. Small and medium-sized businesses have the same chances for profitability, and even more, according to studies, just such an enterprise will become the driving force behind e-commerce.
2 The Internet as an ideal environment for business:
If you have a regular point of sale - your audience of customers is still limited. There are also potential customers, all users, only important mechanism for communicating information to them.
3 Establish and support the company's image:
Web site no longer is a luxury, and performs many functions, among which are the following:
• It strengthens the position and raise the company's image in the market;
• an operational tool for marketing and sales departments;
• provides a fertile ground for further work and compete.
4 Expanding opportunities for the client:
Ensure customer information necessary for him - one of the key factors of successful business. Thanks to Internet technology support customers may be more effective and operational. Your website must not only provide a standard set of information about the company, products or services, but also to ensure effective collaboration between the divisions of your company, customer and supplier. This in turn will increase customer satisfaction, which in turn would increase the profitability of your business.
5 Accessibility of information:
Just a few years ago, companies were required at least a few days to bring to customers information about the release of new products or change specifications. Today, thanks to the Internet, you have the opportunity to convey this information in a few hours of its posting on the website.
6 Minimizing costs:
New technologies make it possible to complete the transaction process, including: commercial inquiry, quotation, purchase order and billing. Simplification of business processes allows companies to significantly reduce costs. For example: the process of transaction via the Internet reduces the cost of procurement of supplies by 5-10%, storage costs by 25 - 50%, and the administrative costs of procurement, even up to 70%.
7 Ability to work 24 hours a day:
The biggest advantage of online-business is that it is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world for you and for your customers and sales in the same hour. The actual location of your company has no special meaning, as well as monitoring the implementation and conduct of transactions carried out through the Internet.
8 Minimum initial investment:
To create a website there is no need for large investments. You can find the Internet a variety of free or inexpensive programs that can help you establish a web site from scratch. Many business portals provide services for its members to create sites from templates, and finished it cost quite cheap.
9 The possibility of globalization:
Thanks to the Internet you can reach a global business with minimal investment. There are literally hundreds of vertical and horizontal electronic trading platforms available on the network. These sites allow you for a nominal fee to gain access to a large audience of potential customers from all over the world. If your company does not even sell on the Internet, you need to take steps to organize this, in order: open a new sales channel, to increase competitiveness, expand markets, reduce costs and increase profitability.
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