Financial Freedom - we create the monetary automatic machine

Saturday, August 1, 2009
This article begins a cycle of publications on 
simple but effective methods of getting money online 
Internet. I would like to warn fans of lung 
ways. All sanctifies me works 100%, but 
they will not: 
1 - Earn a lot 
2 - Earn fast 
3 - Earn nothing doing. 
All other costs to bear in mind the following: 
1 - Methods for simple, banal, tested and working 
2 - All methods will require hard work at the initial stage (from 5 to 9 months) 
3 - All methods with the correct work will initially be for many years to bring a stable income 

Before we start another small 
retreat. All of which will be discussed in this and 
seq asolyutno can be used with any level of training, but from experience I would say. If you do not possess the skills of editing and html programming for 
php, perl, or a "web" language of the effectiveness of the described methods will vanish, and to build long-term cash machine, you most likely will not be able to do ever. So the Council to take a self, without the above skills on the Internet at all difficult to build a business. 
Nachnem perhaps. This article will discuss 
This method of generating income as the creation of partnerships Internet - shops. Skeptics may say that much against this, but their main argument will be read. 
- Too high competition, and even a train 
long gone. 
Argue about this statement may be a long time, but 
the fact remains. Partner with store 
demand for goods and competently carried out by an advertising / promotion is able to make profits for a long time, while he remains alive, because its range is constantly updated automatically and the main thing. 
As an example of the success of this store will bring your site 
Movies on DVD. Here is a summary statistics for the IV quarter of 2008 (before moving to a new domain in July) 
September - 270 sales 
October - 244 sales 
November - 184 sales 
December - 347 sales 
With each sale average of $ 7 - $ 10 profit. There is somewhat less for July 51 was for sale (but not with the new site, and with advertisements on third-party resources), with an average profit of $ 8,5. Nevertheless, sales of fully paying the cost of a domain, host, and generate revenue. 
I hope this example has convinced you that despite the competition (and where is it not?) 
generate income through a partnership 
the shop is quite right to life. 
Now let's decide that we need to start building a partnership business. 
1 - We will need to register a domain name. I recommend in the area of net and / or com, sign up if you believe in these areas to live and work will be much easier. 
2 - Rent a normal hosting. At least that should be included in it - 500 MB of disk space, php, MySQL 
3 - identify those goods which will be implemented through partnerku. 
4 - Find a Partner 
5 - Sign up for their affiliate programs 
6 - Install all the necessary software or to write the most (depending on the partners and their own skills) 
7 - Proceed to move the store 

Now we have a clear list of possible 
move on to substantive dialogue and to begin developing a plan of action. 
I think that with the first two paragraphs are not problems 
arise. A search query on the subject of these items will give thousands of companies willing to offer web hosting and domain registration. Many hosting when paying for their services at a specified time (usually between 6 months and over) to register a domain for free. Nice way to save, but then one must be careful 
some registering a domain to give themselves, not for you. 

Now when you register a domain and paid for 
Hosting (pay at least 6 months earlier are still in a stable self does not come out), it is necessary to determine the goods. This will help us Yandex statistics. 
These are the results I got when he wrote this article (summarized for presentation to the word of purchase) 
Request / Quantity 
Buy nokia/23262 
Buy telefon/18284 
Buy knigu/14659 
Buy dvd/11987 
Buy film/11150 
Buy diski/10241 
Buy noutbuk/9666 
Buy igru/8891 
Buy chasy/7726 
Buy samsung/7502 
Buy kompyuter/6343 
Buy ericsson/5760 

When you do not go. If I gave it everything that looked out to several hundred pages of text. Did not consider the truth table in the final instance, I gave it only for illustration since chose a group of products that it aptly illustrates. So I have selected the following product groups: 
1 - Cell phones and accessories 
2 - Films on DVD 
3 - Books 
As additional products (Section other 
goods on the site 
Trade row) were selected cosmetics, perfume, medicine, air ionizers, and several other groups. This section is made for content and experiment. So to the topic of the article he has nothing to do with. 
Actually I have directions to your problems in finding partners did not arise. In general, if not surprisingly, one of the most popular so chose. Partnerok a lot, turned on those that it is easier and quicker to connect. 
In a word looking for. For the same drives and mobile, I found a dozen more affiliate programs. How and why chose described above. If you decide to work with the same goods and partnerkami write, always try to help both technical and general issues. If you find you think more suitable partner program will also appreciate if you inform. 
This let to finish. If you are interested in specific issues of installation, configuration and modification, as well as issues in promotion of my shop with the above programs, please visit the partner site of financial freedom, where I give regular reports and answer questions. In the next article, I raskazhu on another banal form of income - advertising. And to earn it, we will be doubly, first through our partner store (at the same time and address the issues of promotion) and secondly directly with advertising, as well as something else.

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