The term «optimization» involves obtaining something better. Strictly speaking, the best option - this option, which on certain properties and qualities, is the best of all other allowable options.
It is important that the same version (eg version of the site) may be an optimal speed of loading and at the same time be far from optimal for their content.
Similarly, a site that is optimal for one category of users may be just not optimal for the other categories of users. Because of these other users may have their own interests, preferences or goals of the site.
This introduction is important to understand that in REALITY IS «OPTIMIZATION». And here once again to draw attention to the following:
- In practice, any suitable one is not the best in all senses. It is best only in a certain sense, ie on certain characteristics, qualities;
- All the best option is optimal from the perspective of individual consumers or consumer groups, but not for all customers at once.
And what is the optimization of your site? - This is SEO - Search Engine Optimization.
Recently, talk about optimizing sites with increasing frequency. There are entire companies - optimizers. On this subject carried out serious scientific and practical conferences, producing books and even invent the name of the new activities, such as «marketing search engine».
What is the optimization? I will not burden the distinguished reader, the various technical terms and techniques. I assume that the reader can simply be there to engage in such things. His case - to do business and earn money. And most of the optimization will let the professionals to whom we pay for it. But it would be nice to know, for that matter of fact, it is necessary (and whether or not to do) to pay?
Then in a concise form the main components and features of this process, which is now fashionable to refer to the word «optimization».
- Increase website rank in search engine ranking. It is about his own search engine ranking, according to which issued the search results.
The higher the rank of a site, the better it is, according to a search engine meets the user's query. But any search engine is interested in the fact that most high-quality answer to a request from the user - so it is its main purpose.
That is, if the user is asked a query «car», then the search engine to find these sites:
- Which says it is on the machine «car», rather than on the river of the same name;
- Where not just a passing reference to the title of «car», but rather provides extensive material on the vehicle;
- Who have such popularity and prestige that are linked to a site about cars «car»;
- Content which is relevant (ie not obsolete), and reliably;
- Who are in good working order ...
These are, generally speaking, the sound requirements. The higher the degree of compliance with those requirements, the higher the rank of a site in search engine ranking, ie:
the higher the site in the search results and
the more search engine users will see the site and
the more users decide to go to this site and
the higher the attendance of a site.
Such a simple scheme.
The difficulty is that to determine the degree of compliance with those requirements in practice is not easy (remember more that makes this robot - «stupid» the machine). A search engine developers just invent all sorts of methods and algorithms in order to teach robots to assess sites and identify among them those that best meet users' queries.
2) ALGORITHMS APPLIED Search Engines for estimating and ranking SITES:
- Different, ie each algorithm for its search engine. As a result, the rank of the same site can be very different in different search engines;
- Are not known precisely, because they are kept secret. Includes only general recommendations and advice. In addition, what a particular search engine optimizers work determines experimentally - that is, first to do something and then watch that turned out;
- Changing. Developers search engines constantly strive to improve the quality of their machines. This means that even in the same search engine rank the site may change over time. This once again confirms that the optimization - not an act but ongoing process.
3) because the algorithm and the way search engines VARIOUS - OPTIMIZATION IS per TU, or other search engines.
That is, the site is optimized for one search engine. It is in relation to it can be achieved the best results. However, it should be noted that in relation to other search engines improve, as a rule, is also observed.
4) Conversion Optimizer to adjust your site so that it meet the MOST COMPLETE DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES, estimated robot search engine.
In our example, such parameters may be:
- Frequency of mentioning a combination of «car» visit the site;
- Availability of the title * the title with the words «car»
- Availability of titles, sections and references to these words;
- Occurrence of the above words in a sentence or phrase;
- Link popularity site
and others.
These parameters can be quite a lot. Each search engine evaluates them in different ways. In doing so, to some common parameters of a search engine can not turn a blind eye, while others consider very important.
In general, optimizers bit deceiving the search engine robot - they alter the text, links, headers, etc., that robot is thought that the site best meets the demand and quality requirements, which evaluates the robot.
So Optimizer make their sites - to search engine robots. Well, if they do not forget about living people and their proposed measures do not affect a site friendliness.
But the answer to two categories of users (robots and people) - it is like to perform an optimization of two criteria. And any sistemschik say that satisfy two contradicting criteria fully impossible - you need a compromise. Or you need to choose what the visitors at this stage for you important.
5) Any OPTIMIZATION NOT MET «general», and for which the quality, meaning and TEXT SITE. From the previous paragraph shows that the search engine evaluates the website pages from the perspective made by the search query.
This means that you need to optimize your site for a certain set of texts, key words, which can enter in search queries. These key words and phrases make up the so-called semantic core of the site. Here's to the definition of the kernel and need to start promotion of the site in general, and optimization in particular.
Incidentally, besides the general kernels semanticheskgo site that reflects its function, features and content, each page can be, and its semantic kernel. After all, the robot of search engine indexes and displays pages on your site individually.
6) Generally speaking, search engines and Optimizer ARE «ON VARIOUS sides».
Knowing the formal requirements, which evaluates the robot Optimizer from any, even the most uninteresting to the user site, may make a «car» for the robot. And the robot will think that this site very useful and interesting, and why give it to the tops of the rating.
Search Engines with this fight. On the one hand, they do not want to worsen the outcome of the search his car, and thereby hurt their clients pozovateley.
On the other hand, - SEO work takes them more money - because the more optimizers provide the attendance of a site, the less it needs to be paid advertising. In particular, we are talking about contextual advertising, which has become very popular in search engines in the past few years (see article «What is omitted Web Studio»).
And the fight is happening because:
- Improving the algorithms. For example, earlier Google just take into account links to your site from other sites. And now he is trying to evaluate and they are relevant to the site - that the popular reference site, for example, the construction does not affect the reference to the site from the field «Entertainment»;
- Recognized by the search spam site (ie, the use of «black» optimization methods). Simple words, to the search spam is that enters into fraud search engine and its user - the author's request.
For example, this spam is a repeated reference to the key words in a senseless, unreadable to the user's living or paste the text in the page set of keywords written in invisible text.
- Deletion of sites suspected spam in the search, database search engine (called - «banned» our site). This, incidentally, can be a serious problem for the owner of the site. Imagine that your site visitors have stopped coming to Google and his attendance has fallen to 300-400 people per day. What, huh? The problem is compounded by the fact that search engines constantly change their algorithms, and what is not considered to be spam, could suddenly be so tomorrow.
In the case of such zabanivaniya account to request a search engine, and solve the problem through negotiations.
- Promotion of contextual advertising, as another method of moving sites.
That is, if briefly, the essence of the optimization - fashionable nowadays in the market saytostroitelstva services.
By the way, as you know, the General Board for the optimization of the site Owner from the creators of the search engines. Here it is:
- «Do websites for people, not for the robots of search engines!»
Very simple. But all the same - please note at least some of the above items. Let not the optimization, but a reasonable improvement is always possible. In order not to lose visitors because of the offensive shortcomings and mistakes.
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