Rapidshare файлообменник most popular on the Internet. It was established in mid 2005 and was located at rapidshare.de. In December 2006, rapidshare.de servers were hammered by a string, then opened a new service rapidshare.com with more powerful servers and the Internet channel.
On rapidshare you can download as well as download files to the same free of charge, but there are many restrictions, such restrictions on the speed, the number of downloads, to resume, etc. What would lift these restrictions, you need to buy a premium at rapidshare. You can buy a premium akkaut 1 month, 3, 6 and 12 months on the site rapidshare, if you have a credit card ...
What to do if you do not have a credit card? Fortunately for our time a lot of resources on the sale of premium for rapidshare.com webmoney, I have money,
e-gold. One of these resources is a marketplace for the sale of premium at rapidshare E-Wm.Net, delivery is carried out immediately or immediately after payment. The resource is located at
e-wm.net, here you can buy rapishare.com premium account for 1 month, as well as 3 months. Immediately after payment you will receive your login and password, then it can be safely used on the service rapidshare.com.
What gives us a premium account on rapidshare?
There are no restrictions on speed! speed is limited only by your channel
There are no restrictions on the number of Mb per hour
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited parallel downloads
Support manager
Support resume
Instant download
The existence of extra - slots at crowded server
Use RapidShare URL-Checker
Direct download from RapidShare
Using Rapidget to download and upload files
Files are not deleted after a certain period of time
When downloading files, you get a premium - the glasses, after which you can translate into a new account
Buying premium account at rapid speeds, you get unlimited access to the latest movies, the latest games, useful programs. You receive unlimited disk space on which you can store or transfer your files to other people. Also using premium akkunt it is possible to have good earnings, for example: you have a premium of ACC, it unloads your files (eg movie) to place links to these files on the Internet (for example VAREZE site), after 10000 downloads you can make and sell another premium account for a month, a $ 10, unload movies 10 - 20, and placing them on the Varese sites a day, you can easily get 10000 - 20000 premium points, and then convert them to premium accounts and selling.
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