Exchange of values. Use of the computer for income reception

Friday, July 31, 2009
The old wisdom states that: "There are three things that people can watch forever: how to light a fire, like flowing water, and how the other person." I would like to add that as a person can look forever and for another thing - the growth of their own money. 
A long time, I want to build your business so that all that I have left to do - is to watch my money grow. Needless to say, do this turned out not very easy. 
Initially, a person has three values, the data him by nature, so the value of health and beauty, the value of the mind (and here I took the talent) and the value of time. Man goes to school or university in order to obtain another value - the value of knowledge and experience, depending on the capacity of his mind and discipline it is successful or unsuccessful in gaining knowledge. When a person finishes the study, he goes to work, and here he uses his property for the purchase money. Every person in our society have a choice - what value to use for the money. Basically, people use the value of time and value of health, usually even unaware of this. These are the people working at the plant, cleaners, handymen construction, porters, etc. Second on the popularity of exchange values - is the exchange value of time and value of knowledge and experience for money. Engineers, lawyers, translators ... the more they work, the more they get experience and, often, the less they need to stretch brains for further work. Sometimes, over time, the brain of these people at first glance have the intellectual professions becomes absolutely not necessary, which leads to its degradation. I have not had time to watch really stupid teacher at the university where I study. 
There are also people who, for money using the value of beauty (eg: model) worth of talent (mind) - artists, writers, create a product that has its own value. Some people manage other people's values, for example, the value of natural resources, but they have to spend our own forces. Needless to say, there are many ways to exchange property for money, and one of the major challenges of modern successful people learn to take and dispose of property. 
With the emergence of a powerful tool - a computer, a person has a chance (which few people use) to shift some of their duties on computer and save at this time. Why, for example, the computer does not make you money, so you can at the same time free to engage in more face things? At first glance, this seems a difficult task, but if you start slowly and with simple things, wasting their time on the generation of new knowledge and experience; count, reflecting (a real-cord) and earning at the beginning is not great, but the money, but later completely shifted to the calculator to work, you get rid of many problems that do not allow you to grow and get the result. 
There is no hundred percent ready systems for enrichment, but thousands of people earn millions of dollars, due to computer resources. To start, set itself the simplest program avtoserfinga, Understand how it works, so we obtain the money and have a small but non-stop income give you hope and confidence. Good day to you, and good luck! Remember, any time, with the right to the respect - it is a great victory.

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