E-commerce as a way to save
In this age, fewer and fewer have time to make a «walk» shopping, no hurry to select interesting product to have to buy it ... more and more time is spent working, and sometimes it happens that Running in the first got a shop we buy is not what one likes, but that podvernulos by hand. And learn all the functionality of the product ... A friend here just «on the run» bought as a gift a child nice teddy puppy. And after a while was very surprised when he heard barking dog in the house! It turns out that puppy is still able to bark, the store price tags on about this and there was no words, but she did not have time to wait for the seller-adviser and to hear a detailed story about toys. This example - rather good: the product showed more quality. And if on the contrary ...
In situations of hard цейтнота online store is certainly more convenient and better than usual. It is no coincidence that Internet shopping is widely popular in cities where high pace of life (and, of course, where a well-developed Internet-space). This, of course, huge savings in time, which is especially important when a catastrophic shortages. You do not need to spend time on the road to the store and back, do not have to walk between the shelves and shelves, looking for that first section where you put the correct group of commodities, and then wait for the seller Consultant free and honored you by. There is no need to pull on everything that you buy (even the joy of shopping and could facilitate this «fate»). If you bought a gift to make a surprise on a certain day, then your home purchase needs to be and hide somewhere good. When you purchase goods through the online store, these problems can be solved by themselves. All you need - this is to click the mouse on the interests of a group of products, and then to the one that you like and you ppoluchite complete information about a product, including all operational details, dimensions, weight (if this is something big). After all these short procedures, you have to just add the selected item in your basket, place your order for the purchase and the address of delivery. Everything else will do for you, the staff magazine. Saved three or four hours it is possible to dedicate the work, children, or a favorite (least favorite). On the other hand, being alone with a computer, you are not prone to impulsive purchases, which often catch us cunning marketing, and environmental effects of the crowd. If you are unsure of the correct choice, you can not rising from chairs, «run» to other similar stores, compare prices and choose what you really like.
Often, online stores offer merchandise at lower prices than real. This is due to the fact that the content of «outlet» in virtual space is cheaper than a real, if only because of the lack of the same rent for the premises. By the way, walking in step with the progress already, and many off-line stores have organized representation (in a familiar language, we offer additional branches) on the Internet.
Deadline for Delivery typically ranges from 30 minutes (ready meals, food, drugs) to one or two days (other goods), if the shop is located in one of your city and up to two to three weeks required for the postage -- if it is a different city. This period can be reduced by using the services of courier services, but the cost of shipping, of course, increase.
Many of the major stops and fear to get «a pig in a poke», they say, order one, and bring something nekonditsiyu, and that I then will it be done? We need to remember the main thing: the rules of trade, no one canceled regardless of whether there is a real shop, with the door and the sign above it, or a virtual screen of your monitor. Trade rules common to all, including the Law on the Protection of consumer rights, certification, etc.
Statistical studies on the Internet and supported by Friends of experience, say: those who once benefited from the services of the Internet-shop afterwards regularly returned to that method of purchase. Accustomed to a good fast!
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