The impetus for writing this article, I gave my friend who came up to me probably to pre-prepared question: "How to receive money from the Internet?" .. On this question, I gave him a simple and clear answer: "Work must be your head!" What is and try to explain to you Dear readers of my site ...
Interpretation of the phrase "earnings in the Internet, many associated with an infinite money then where is drawn fighter for the independence of the United States, but when a man gets in this boundless world of normal, routine work, he is finally beginning to understand that it is not so easy to get long-awaited den.znaki without attachments. So the most basic techniques of earnings in the Internet, in this article, I wish only to consider ways of earning on their site, without affecting such things such as stock trading.
Underlying earnings at its site in the first place is the process of its creation. It is time investment ... of course you can create a "super" site on a server or be free, but consider creating a site that you have already gubite its earnings on the stump ... Neither a normal affiliate program does not agree to commit to a site which located on the free hosting. Therefore you will need a minimum of a domain name (what you decide of course) and hosting (stable! He would not hang and say update it). Then of course you will need content management system, such networks can be found in a lot so I will not advise. Here we have identified with attachments ...
Now we need to choose the subjects of our future site ... (read the article: "How to determine the theme of the site?") If the determination to the topic of your future website is successful you will need to address the promotion of a site. Promotion of the concept of a broad and abstract ... there are 2 ways to plug into my mind: the first - for the visitors, the second - on the figures. Let us consider each separately:
For Visitors
As a promotion for the visitors, there are some difficulties ... in fact agree that the sites with the theme you have chosen not one, and not ten ... there are at least tens of hundreds of ... and therefore the first that you need to do is correctly identify the keywords, search terms and content of the site.
At rates
When you plug in tsiferki no acute need for unique content and targeted traffic ... there is an urgent need to link to your site with other topical resources that you will have to initially buy in bulk. You may also like to conduct an active exchange of links, but not in any way, do not install on the site because of links Such catalogs are directly violating the license Yandex, and therefore a direct way at least pessimizatsiyu extradition, and even in banks that are much more terrible.
And so with the basic concepts of creating a site to earn money and with the kinds of sites we understand. Now it is time to review the stability of earnings:
• Contextual Advertising
• Sale of links
• Partnership
The extensive list of affiliate programs, I think have no meaning here ...
I hope that this article will help you a little look into the world of earnings in the Internet and accurately coordinate their actions in this direction.
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